İntense Interest in Artificial Intelligence Lab

İntense Interest in Artificial Intelligence Lab

    Students visiting our artificial intelligence laboratory could not hide their amazement when they saw Pepper the Robot speak.

    Biruni University attracts a great deal of attention for the studies carried out by our students and staff. Our laboratories equipped with advanced technology also attract the attention of primary and secondary school students who dream of studying at university. Our Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, which is part of Computer Engineering, is one of our laboratories that has made a name for itself with its work. Students from the neighborhood spent "A day at the University" and visited our Health Museum, laboratories, and other facilities.

    The Importance of Robot Technology

    Research Assistant Hürrem Özpınar informed the students about artificial intelligence. It was very surprising for the students to see Pepper the Robot speak. Faculty of Education Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Lütfü Ilgar gave information to the students about how they should plan their future. The trip ended with a meeting with the university students in the garden.