36Tth TUSAP Vision Meetings were held at Biruni University Hospital

36Tth TUSAP Vision Meetings were held at Biruni University Hospital

The 36th of the "Vision in Health" meetings organised by the Turkish Health Platform (TÜSAP) was hosted by Biruni University Hospital with the title "Future Vision and Sustainability in Health Insurance".

    The meeting was attended by Dr. Osman Coşkun, Member of the Presidential Science, Technology and Innovation Policies Board, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şuayip Birinci, Deputy Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Sabahattin Aydın, Chairman of TÜSAP Executive Board, representatives of the health and insurance sectors and academicians. Social Security Institution General Manager Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eren Usul and President of the Insurance Association of Turkey Uğur Gülen took part in the meeting as the main speakers.

    "Our vision is to be a university that leaves a mark like its name"

    Biruni University Rector Prof.Dr. Adnan Yüksel, who made the welcoming speech before the meeting, said: "Welcome to the vision meeting of Turkey Health Platform. I greet you all with love, respect and esteem. First of all, I would like to thank the organising committee. Of course, when it comes to vision meetings, our vision is to be a university that leaves its mark as its name. We will complete the 10th year on this path. We want to serve this country with a different vision. If you do it like everyone else, you will be like everyone else. But if you add energy, excitement and spirit to the work, you will make a difference. We strive for this," he said.

    "We built these hospitals for health education"

    Stating that he has established 2 universities in Turkey, Prof. Dr Adnan Yüksel said, "Health education is a must for us. We have always built these hospitals for health education. We have graduated our 3rd year graduates. We will give the 4th this year. This year, the 19th TUS student came from us. When we talk about Biruni, he is a universal genius, a person who gave his name to the 11th century. Biruni's most beautiful feature is objective observation and unbiased interpretation. He has a very nice saying: 'The knowledge you learn should not be like the clothes you take off. It should not leave you after bathing," he says. He used his expressions. The meeting ended after the speeches and evaluations.