Biruni University is in the Top 5 Foundation University List with the Highest Publication Rate

Biruni University is in the Top 5 Foundation University List with the Highest Publication Rate

    The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) "University Monitoring and Evaluation Report", in which institutions that produce and transfer knowledge in the Turkish higher education system are evaluated annually, has been published. Biruni University was among the foundation universities with the highest number of published publications per academic staff in indexed journals and books in the "Evaluation Report", which was prepared within the scope of the studies regularly carried out by YÖK to support the functioning of universities and evaluate their performance since 2019 and includes data from before 2023.


    According to the Higher Education Council's 2023 General Report on University Monitoring and Evaluation, when the calculation is made by taking into account the past data of the universities themselves, Biruni University is among the top 3 universities with the most stable development among the 38 higher education institutions under this title. It has achieved a great success by ranking 5th among the foundation universities with the highest number of published studies per academic staff in indexed journals and books. In the data containing the analysis of the distribution among 208 universities continuing their education activities in Turkey. Our university has increased its success graph by ranking among the five highest foundation universities according to the average number of publications per academic staff published in indexed journals and books.


       All these are the results of years of commitment to science. This success is the result of the determination of our staff who experience the pleasure of science at the peaks. As the Turkish-Islamic Scholar EBU REYHAN El-Biruni, the source of the name of our university, said, "The pleasure of science is consistent and continuous".


    These struggles to always do better are the result of believing that better results will always be achieved. Biruni University, which takes it as a primary duty to be a light to science with all its staff, aims to go further every day on this path.